Most break ins take place during the week between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. Most often the burglars are younger substance abusers looking for cash, valuables and items that can be quickly turned into cash. They look for homes that appear unoccupied and have high fences and shrubs to help shield themselves, and most often gain entry by kicking in a door or pry open a main floor window.
Alarm systems, motion lighting and dogs are great deterrents as burglars will typically move on to a more appealing and easier target.
Once inside it is a quick move to the master bedroom looking for jewelry, money and anything of value. Then to the bathroom for prescription meds and finally a quick search form smartphones, laptops, tablets or any valued items than can be quickly picked up.
Not surprisingly, burglars know that you often stash valuables or cash in the freezer, cereal box, special container or sock drawer.
Perpetrators are typically in and out in a few minutes not even bothering to close the door in many cases.
A bit of prevention can save a great deal of grief. Don’t make your home an easy target. Make it difficult to actually break in and if your home is actually broken into, do what you can to limit your losses.