If an emergency arose, such as a longer term stay in a hospital, don’t automatically assume that your insurance coverage remains in place. Empty homes are a greater risk for insurance companies and they should be informed of material changes that compound the risk of a potential insurance claim. The cbc investigated a situation whereby the homeowners were denied full insurance coverage when pipes burst while they were away due to a medical emercency. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/grey-power-denies-flooded-home-claim-for-senior-who-was-away-for-cancer-treatment-1.3038200
Your home in many cases is your most significant investment. Insurance coverage is a must. Insuring companies are being more vigilante when assessing claims. Having a qualified person attend the vacant home on a regular basis (with date and time stamped evidence) provides the comfort in knowing that yo have been proactive in mitigating the risks of having your home vacant – even if it is for a medical emergency.