by HomeCheck | Dec 6, 2021 | Travel
Since most clients use Winnipeg Home Check services while they are away travelling, I thought I would provide some of my travel experiences. I recently spent some time in Nashville. Here are my observations: Nashville on a Saturday night. This isn’t you...
by HomeCheck | Sep 28, 2018 | Home Check Services, Travel, Winnipeg checklist
A September snowfall is “shot across the bow” that we may be in for a long tough winter. Here is a top five list of things to consider before winter fury is upon us: Trim your trees and bushes and pull out the garden. Fall is the best time to trim trees...
by HomeCheck | Jan 20, 2018 | Home Security, Travel
There is a good chance that the thief who entered your property while you were away is someone known to you. That’s right, a recent survey in the United States indicated that 66% of residential break-ins were conducted by a neighbour, distant friend, relative...
by HomeCheck | Sep 16, 2017 | Home Check Services, Travel, Winnipeg
What a summer! Can you remember a summer so sweet and blessed with endless warm and sunny days and virtually no mosquitoes. Festivals, patios, events and conditions perfect for summer activities. And cottage owners couldn’t have asked for anything better....
by HomeCheck | May 19, 2017 | Home Check Services, Home Security, insurance, Travel, vacant house
Going to the cottage? Vacation? Extended business trip? Leaving your home vacant often creates and uneasy feeling. You have done your due diligence, turned off the water, stopped the paper, set up automatic lights, notified the alarm company and cancelled...
by HomeCheck | Feb 26, 2017 | Home Check Services, insurance, Travel
Insurance companies in Canada may limit or void your homeowner coverage if you failed to recognize your obligations and did not take proactive steps to manage the risk. This is certainly the case with the most common coverage exclusion – water damage as a...